Lash Tip Wednesday Want your lashes to lash as long as possible Keep your hands off! Our Fingertips carry dirt and oil that break down the lash adhesive, causing premature shedding! Wake up Beautiful with Wisp Lashes! C.mp4

File Size : 352.4 KB
Mime Type : Video/mp4
File Modified : 2022-06-20T08:45:49.000Z
Status : Normal
Virus Scan Result : Clean
MD5 Hash : 708af453598feeba6ffb28a62dee0bb4


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Download Lash Tip Wednesday Want your lashes to lash as long as possible Keep your hands off! Our Fingertips carry dirt and oil that break down the lash adhesive, causing premature shedding! Wake up Beautiful with Wisp Lashes! C.mp4 from
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